sábado, 6 de marzo de 2010

THE BODY SNATCHERS by Sweetlock (p.6)

Hi! I’m Sweetlock again!
This is the plot of The Body Snatchers book.
Tom and Dylan were friends. One day, they decided to go to the museum to see a new dinosaur, but when they arrived there, they saw two men carrying a body into a van. They followed them to a warehouse. Tom and Dylan looked through the window and they saw a lot of bodies inside. They went to the police office but the policeman didn't believe their story, so they decided to investigate on their own. At night they went to the warehouse and they looked for bones. The next day they saw the two man with a woman in a café, and they thought that they wanted to kill her. They tried to warn the woman, but the two men saw them and they had to hide in a busy market.
Then, they decided to tell the story to their parents and then, tell it to the police again. Tom and Dylan's parents went to tell everything to the police and two policemen went to the house to investigate it . They didn't find anything. Two or three days later, Dylan was walking near the warehouse, and he entered into the van. He discovered the bodies were into some boxes, and he called Tom and the police. Later, he was sure that the bodies were statues and, when the policemen arrived with Tom and his family, they told them that the statues are from the museum. Tom and Dylan are heroes.
Bye for now, happy holidays!

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